Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
Uncanny X-Men#522 REVIEW (Kitty Pryde FINALLY RETURNS!!!)
Uncanny X-Men#522
Written by: Matt Fraction
Art by: Whilce Portacio
Inks by: Ed Tadeo
Colors by: Justin Ponsor
Price: $3.99
Publisher: Marvel Comics
When I first heard that Kitty Pryde was coming back I was absolutely stoked. I could hardly wait! Kitty Pryde is my all time favorite female comic book character and when I read the story where she was shot into space I cried like a little baby, so you can imagine what hearing the news that she was coming back felt like for me. I was excited. I spent the rest of that day digging up news articles about it, interviews, etc. I came across an interview with Matt Fraction saying that Joss Whedon (the man who wrote the story that sent Ms. Pryde into space, which you ALL should go read) approved and liked the story of return and that made me even more excited and gave me hope because for the most part I haven't been enjoying Fraction's X-Men stories.
Now I haven't been reading Uncanny for a while so I didn't exactly know what was going on but thankfully Fraction gives the readers who haven't been reading Uncanny recently enough information about recent events so the readers, like me who are going to pick up this issue solely because Kitty is coming back, to enjoy it. The book is basically just the X-Men gathering based on the news that Kitty is coming back to earth and Cyclops and so scientists working on how to get her back safely and not destroying the earth. What this story illustrates well is how much the X-Men care about Kitty and how badly they want her back. Portacio does a nice job illustrating the facial expressions of, for example, that scene towards the end where the X-Men have gathered while they wait for the space bullet which contains Kitty to come down to earth. Fraction does a great job on writing the thoughts of Kitty and clearly explores how she is feeling.
The basic concept of how Kitty is able to come home is Magneto was able to do something that allowed him to reach far into space and reverse the path of the bullet back to earth, which I thought was kind of cool, but like I said I haven't been reading Uncanny for awhile so I had no clue as to how this story was going to start or what exactly was going to happen. One of my complaints about this story is I wish they would've thought of something a bit more interesting and exciting on how to bring her back and I thought that they would've drawn out the story a bit longer. Although I am glad that they condensed the story and didn't pull a Captain America: Reborn on you.
Here is my favorite part of this issue. When Kitty returns she and Colossus run up to each other, but Kitty phases right through him, revealing that something is wrong with Kitty and it needs to be fixed. I thought this was great because usually when lazy writers write return stories they bring the hero back and every thing's great and nothing is wrong with the returned character and everybody celebrates and it's just not any good. This part of the book took me by surprise because I expected her to jump right back into her X-men position, give everyone hugs, etc. because I'm so accustomed to that in comic books nowadays. The ending was sad yet happy and leads me to wonder what's going to happen next to Kitty Pryde. Very well played Mr. Fraction.
Rating: B
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nemesis#1 REVIEW (Not intended for the Mark Millar fans)
Written by: a room full of monkeys Mark Millar
Art by: Steve McNiven
Colors by: Dave McCaig
Publisher: Icon/Marvel Comics
Price: $2.99 and a bit of your soul
Mark Millar's new book is finally here! After reading Old Man Logan and Kick-Ass Millar left me feeling insulted as a comic book fan. I decided that Nemesis would be his last chance to restore any hope I had left in him. But enough of that for now. The main concept of this book is what if Batman were like the Joker. So it's neither an original concept nor a hard to write concept and it shows throughout the book. I can sum this book up in one word: Cliche.
I would like to point out that there is a character in Uncanny X-Men named Nemesis who wears an all-white costume. Interesting, huh? The book starts out in Tokyo were Nemesis is talking to a hostage who is tied to a chair. Nemesis reveals that the he lured the (police? FBI? S.W.A.T.? We don't know... Millar never explains who they were) to the wrong building. That building blows up and lands on a train track, killing God knows how many people. Then you find out that the chair that the hostage is tied to is on a train track. Then a train runs over the hostage and we are treated to blood splattering everywhere, a leg flying off, a head being squashed, and other crap like that. Then the train mentioned earlier flys off the rails because the track got destroyed killing, again, God knows how many. Nemesis reveals his next target: Washington D.C.
Seen enough violence yet? Oh well maybe the book will tone down a bit and... what's this? Oh a guy just shot in the head with blood flying everywhere? Another guy gets shot in the stomach with a wave of blood spilling out? Two more guys get shot in the neck? One more guy gets shot in the neck/upper body? All in one page? Yeah, all of that did happen in a single page. It turns out that some form of authority (we don't know what organization it is because Millar is too lazy to tell us) shot the thugs. Then they talk to the chief of whatever organization they're from for a few pages and all that really tells us is that they should prepare for Nemesis since they got a warning from Nemesis himself.
Next we see Nemesis landing on an airplane and, somehow, walking across the wings of the plane without the wind blowing him off the plane. I realize that this is a comic book and they're not supposed to be realistic, but if you're going to write something like that please explain how he is able to remain perfectly balanced on the plane. Then he shoots the pilots (more death! Yay!) and hijacks the plane. Then Nemesis side-swipes a building with one of the plane's wings killing more people (alright! Give me some more Millar!). He then purposely crash lands the plane killing thousands and thousands of people (enjoying yourselves fanboys?)
Here is the kick in the nads for me in this book. The crash landing scene is a rip-off of the scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Indy and his Dad are in the car and that airplane is coming right after them, and then the car goes into a tunnel and the airplane goes in the tunnel with them, but loses its two wings and explodes at the end of the tunnel. Well guess what? That happens in this book. The plane goes into the tunnel and loses its two wings and lands into a truck full of petrol (and into a mother and her innocent kid) and explodes. Also the book never shows Nemesis or the President leaving the plane, so apparently they're indestructible. I love the fact that the authority of Washington knows for a fact that this mass murderer is coming to their city but it seems like they've done NOTHING to protect the citizens. Shouldn't the state be in a lock down or something??? This whole book has lazy writing written all over it. The "cliffhanger" is that Nemesis kidnaps the President of the U.S. It's not like I saw that one coming...
The art is exactly (sort of) what I expected from McNiven: boring, stale, and stiff. Although this time he inked it instead of having someone else ink it. I know I'm not the only one who has said this, but it seemed like he was trying really, really hard to be Leinil Francis Yu. At certain parts of the book it didn't even look like McNiven drew the art. The art truly was boring and just not exciting at all.
This book consisted of 23 pages of story/art, 3 of which were splash-pages, and 13 of which were 3 or 4 panel pages with little to no dialogue in it. To me that just reeks of laziness. Also at the end of the book you get 5 pages of ads featuring the recent stories Mark Millar has written for Marvel. Hey Millar: How about advertising for stuff done by someone other than yourself, huh?
After reading Nemesis#1 and Ultimate Avengers#5 (which I read a while ago) I have come to the conclusion that the Mark Millar that I used to admire as an aspiring comic book writer is gone. He's gone. If you all want to read an awesome Millar story read Superman: Red Son. That story is utterly incredible. So will I keep buying the series? Yeah, just so I can review/rant on them! :)
At least no one's baby got thrown out of a window (that we know of).
Rating: D
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Deadpool#19 REVIEW (It's about time this came out)
Written by: Daniel Way
Art by: Carlo Barberi
Inks by: Juan Vlasco and Sandu Florea
Price: $2.99
Publisher: Marvel Comics
So here we finally have the 19th issue of Deadpool! Was it worth the two month wait? Hey, why aren't you reviewing the new Loeb Hulk book, dood? I personally like to not be offended when I read comics. Me too. Have you no good taste in comics? Wait... why are you guys ALWAYS here when I try to do a Deadpool review? It's in da contract, man. What? He's actually telling the truth for once. Fine, whatever. Why so frustrated bro? Don't you remember how much fun we had in our review of Deadpool#17? Unfortunately. Let's just get on with the review... people have probably already stopped reading this because I'm talking to myself. Hey! We never did that review of Amazing Spider-Man#611 you promised we'd do!
Just like every issue of Deadpool before this one it is packed with a lot of fun and humor, which makes this a good book to read if you're stressed or depressed. Dood... you just rhymed... So in this issue Deadpool seeks Spider-Man and I love the part when Deadpool says, "Spidey! What up, baby boy? Haven't seen you since Amazing Spider-Man#611!" We were supposed to review that book... *sniff*. I'm sorry if I'm busy and don't have a lot of free time to review stuff on the blog... anyway Deadpool also eats a lot of hot dogs and burps and farts throughout his first incounter with Spider-Man in this book which is also pretty hilarious. Didja see the New Ultimates ad in dis book??? Can't wait!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXD!!! What is the matter with you? We shoulda left him at the Grand Canyon. I agree. Anyway the whole dynamic of this book is great. It is very light-hearted and silly and is a great way of cheering up. Although I did miss Paco Medina's art Barberi did a nice job with the art chores. Ah screw dem! Get Liefeld on the book!!! No. No way. Although the Hit Monkey character is a bit stupid and silly I'm interested in seeing where they take his character in the upcoming issues. I am a bit worried about the quality of this book suffering a bit from the over-exposure of Deadpool. Seeing him everywhere at once gets really annoying really fast and I think that's starting to factor in to the quality of this book and not in a good way. Overall this issue was enjoyable and I hope the clever silliness and hilariousness of this book stay for a long time.
Rating: B
Stay fresh everybody!!! Whatever that means.
Monday, February 15, 2010
The WORST Comic Book Stories EVER
What is this bullcrap?: Political Jokes in Comic Books

The answer is no. In fact people LOVED this joke. I did not. I thought it was downright disrespectful. Now understand that the tea bag joke was not intended. Writer Ed Brubaker even said, " I don't know who did it, probably someone who thought it was funny. I didn't think think so, personally". Oh, I'm sure you had a laugh riot when you read the joke ASM#595 Mr.Brubaker.
If I was an editor at Marvel Comics I would say to leave any political jokes out of comic books, regardless if you're Republican or Democratic, because you're going to offend someone and it makes reading comic books less fun.
To read more about the tea bag joke click here.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
R.E.B.E.L.S.#13 REVIEW (The Agents of Atlas of the DCU)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
ItsJustSomeRandomGeek's recommended comic book reading list
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My rebuttal to Tom Brevoort
Ok so I have several things that I'm having a problem with in this statement:
- If you're a retailer and your stuck with certain books that you don't want anymore then put them in a sale bin or sell them for a buck a piece instead of following along with Marvel's dumb move.
- Calling the lantern rings "Cracker Jack prizes" is stupid. Want to know what a cracker jack prize is Marvel? Paper Avengers ID cards and 2010 calenders. Personally I'd rather have a lantern ring instead of a stupid variant cover that won't be worth ANYTHING in the future.
- Instead of being sent your competitors books why not have sent back the worthless mini-series that Marvel has shoved down people's throats? Need examples? Oh how about all those Dark Reign mini-series'? That's about 10 or 15 different books right there. Are you scared Marvel? Are you scared that DC might actually surpass you? Is that why you're demanding their books? Cause it sure seems like it.
- Also DC won't do a stupid move like this. They actually have respect for their competition.
Originally Marvel was going to make brown Deadpool Corps rings to give away, but then they said that it would be too expensive. Are you kidding me Marvel? You have over half the market share, you have about 15 movies in development, you have thousands of other products such as clothes and toys and you're saying that making the rings will be too expensive? DC was able to make 8 different kinds of rings! And they don't have all the money that Marvel has.
Marvel what happened to you? Every day it seems like more and more of my love and respect for Marvel is being whittled away because of dumb decisions like this. Hey Marvel, if your goal was to force me to buy less of your books and buy more DC books then congratulations... Mission Accomplished. I've decided to only buy a few books from Marvel since they clearly don't need my money or care too much for the fans:
- -Invincible Iron Man
- -Fantastic Four
- -Amazing Spider-Man (only when Dan Slott writes)
- -Agents of Atl- oh yeah... they cancelled that book... I may buy Atlas vs. Avengers... it all depends on how much money I have.
Cool! I could use the extra money. I would totally boycott Marvel completely but then I'd be punishing the awesome creators at Marvel (i.e. Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman, Jeff Parker, etc.) Marvel is shoo-ing me away... while DC has welcomed me with open arms.
Oh and Marvel... get your heads out of your wallets and start being more like what DC is like right now... you might learn a thing or two.
Click here for the full article!
Let me know what you think of this by leaving a comment! Thanks!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Siege#1 REVIEW (The Marvel Event of 2010 is here!!!)
Drawn by: Olivier Coipel w/ inks by Mark Morales
Price: $3.99 ("Cheap"!)
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Um just really quick nit-pick here put on the Marvel website it said that the cover was going to be cardstock, but the actual cover feels like a glossy cover (like the kind of cover Blackest Night is). I like cardstock covers a lot, so where is my cardstock cover Marvel?!?!? I haven't even started talking about the book and I'm already driving myself crazy!!! It doesn't really matter what the cover is. I like normal comic covers better instead of fancy cover crap (i.e. cardstock and glossy). Oh but then you'd be "degrading" the comic book if it doesn't have its fancy- schmancy cover... my bad...
So the book starts out with Volstagg coming to Midgard. He then tries to stop a robbery by slicing the van with the robber(s) in it which kills(?) them? The van is on fire so... yeah... I'm don't know much about Thor, but does Volstagg kill? That seems like a dumb question... anyway three super powered beings show up and take the fight to a football stadium thus causing a HUGE explosion killing thousands of people thus giving Norman Osborn and his Avengers/ friends to take siege (hah) of Asgard. Gee doesn't that concept seem familiar guys? *cough civalwar cough* So then Osborn assembles his Avengers, Ares gives a battle cry, blah blah blah blah blah. Some neat action sequences... some talking... some very nice Olivier Coipel art... Ares stands PERFECTLY balanced on a jet in mid-air... when Don Blake turns into Thor I thought that was cool with the jets flying overhead... more fighting... the Dark Avengers and the U-Foes (of all people) beat the crap out of Thor. So Thor can beat Sentry (basically Marvel's Superman) but he can't beat the U-Foes???... weird...
This is why Blackest Night is a hundred times better than Siege: Blackest Night has you emotionally connected to the characters immediately. Here in Siege...? Nope. None. I felt nothing when Thor was being pummeled and beat. I felt barely any emotional connection to any of the characters in this story. I know that sounds bad, but it's the truth. Plus Blackest Night is waaaaaaaaay more exciting than Siege. Man, I really wanted to like this comic book, but the truth is I didn't really care. One thing I did enjoy was that there was none of the usual Bendis decompression and this issue moves along nicely.
Here is the problem I'm having with this book. So after the 23-page story there is a script consisting only of dialogue called 'Ares War Plan Transcript'. It is a five page script, BUT in the transcript one page of dialogue was accidentally (most likely) printed, so that means that there is one page of the transcript missing. Marvel later released the missing page and the whole transcript as a free digital comic. But here's the thing... why not just release it as a digital comic INSTEAD OF printing it in this comic and charging people EXTRA for it, or even better: put the transcript in the book and DON'T charge extra for it. You also get a 3-page Cup O' Joe where Joe Quesada tries to convince people that this story is seven years in the making and to tell you about all this other previous stories you have to read to catch up on (We're talking 7 YEARS of story folks). Gee, isn't Marvel nice? You also get a Siege checklist. WOW! We haven't seen that before!!! It's not like we saw it in Marvel previews or on a postcard like thing that comic books shops were giving out for free or in Origins of Seige or in the new Marvel 2010 calender or on the internet or inside recent comic books! You also get a 5-page preview of Hulk#19 (which has nothing to do with Siege, btw). Who cares?!?
All in all this issue was rather disappointing. Was definitely not worth $3.99. It was like inflating a balloon y'know? You get excited and then some jerk comes along and pops the balloon thus deflating it. This event was rushed and is not seven years in the making (more like 7 days in the making) and it clearly shows. Well at least Bendis didn't do anything to piss me off like his occasional misogyny... his serious decompression... him writing my favorite characters not like themselves...
Rating: C+
I apologize for the lack of reviews/ posts on this blog. I've been kinda busy... Feel free to comment! I would greatly appreciate it! Take care everyone!