Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: Patrick Gleason w/ inks by Rebecca Buchman and Tom Nguyen
Price: $2.99
Publisher: DC Comics
Peter J. Tomasi sure knows how to torture the characters and the fans doesn't he? Tomasi gets you quickly emotionally invested in the characters and then he breaks your heart when bad things happen to your favorite characters, which is the sign of a good writer. Throughout the whole issue the Green Lanterns keep getting pummeled with bad news after bad news after bad news. First the Black Lanterns all gather to destroy the green lantern power battery. When I saw that double splash-page of all the Black Lanterns heading towards the power battery I said, "Holy $#%^! How are the good guys gonna get out of this?" The remaining good guys fight off the black lanterns and it's pretty cool. Then... Tomasi does something I didn't see coming at all... I'll talk about that later on.
Patrick Gleason continues to show that he is one of the best artists out there. All of the splash-pages and battle scenes are drawn beautifully. I hope Gleason stays on GLC for a looooooong time because he's in my Top 5 current artists right now. I can't say anything about the art other than what I've already said.
Now for the part that EVERYONE will be talking about. So towards the end of the book Kyle Rayner takes the alpha lantern battery and this attracts a lot of the black lanterns. Then the detonation of the power battery is activated, killing Rayner and thousands (hopefully) of black lanterns. This scene broke my heart because Kyle Rayner was just starting to be one of my favorite characters. I even cried a little... We're only halfway through Blackest Night guys... it's only gonna get worse from here unfortunately. That aside... Rayner's death is one of the better deaths I've seen in comic books in a long time. He didn't die in vain at all and was a true hero. I can hardly wait for the next issue to come and see the reactions of especially Gardner and Soranik. We all know Gardners reaction is going to have some anger in it...
Rating: A
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